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LPN Congress 2023

Alejandro Salgado Ochoa

Agricultural Engineer, Consultant and Agroindustrial Entrepreneur


Productive plucking: Reduction in quality damage by increasing yield and decreasing finger consumption


  • Agricultural Engineer, National School of Agriculture- Honduras
  • Animal Production Kansas State University, Manhattan Ks, USA
  • Master Science Animal Production, University of Guelph, Canada

Experience: 25 years in Poultry Integrations: El Cortijo and CADECA- Honduras Agroindustrial consultant and entrepreneur – Agroindustrial production in the field of meat and balanced food processing- Various companies – Honduras.

Professor, ENA and José Cecilio del Valle UJCV Universities – Honduras

LPN Congress & Expo 2023

Reunimos Toda la Avicultura y la Nutrición Animal de Latina América