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LPN Congress 2023

Mark Allen

Global Technical Service- Cage Free Flock Management at Lohmann Breeders


Critical points in cage-free management

Lohmann Breeders

Lohmann Breeders is a leading producer and distributor of high-quality poultry for egg production. Founded in Germany in 1965, Lohmann Breeders has expanded rapidly and today has a global presence, with subsidiaries and distributors in more than 50 countries.

The company focuses on research and development of high-performance poultry using advanced genetics and selection techniques. Its birds are known for their ability to produce high-quality eggs efficiently, making them a popular choice for egg producers around the world.

Lohmann Breeders is committed to sustainability and social responsibility, working closely with its customers to promote responsible farming practices and ensure animal welfare. In addition, the company has implemented organic production practices and has obtained internationally recognized quality and food safety certifications.

In summary, Lohmann Breeders is a leading producer and distributor of high-quality poultry for egg production. Its focus on research and development of high-performance poultry, its commitment to sustainability and social responsibility, and its global presence make it a popular choice for egg producers around the world.

LPN Congress & Expo 2023

Reunimos Toda la Avicultura y la Nutrición Animal de Latina América


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