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LPN Congress 2023

Fernando Ruiz Jimenez

Veterinary Technical Services at Zoetis


Strategies for the control of salmonella in poultry farming

Dr. Fernando Ruiz-Jimenez obtained his DVM degree at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) in 2018.

He worked as a teaching assistant at the University’s Poultry Diagnostic Laboratory for a year while conducting his thesis project on E. coli virulence factors.

After graduation, he started a combined Master/Residency program on Poultry Health Management and Welfare at North Carolina State University, where he worked with several broiler, layer, and turkey companies in the US.

He obtained his master’s degree in 2021 and has been a diplomate of the American College of Poultry Veterinarians (ACPV) since that year.

After finishing his residency, he started his current role at Zoetis US Poultry as a Technical Services Veterinarian, supporting customers across the United States and Canada.

His areas of interest are flock health management, vaccination programming, and employee training and continuing education.

LPN Congress & Expo 2023

Reunimos Toda la Avicultura y la Nutrición Animal de Latina América


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